Are you worried about dealing with your first post-divorce?
The first Christmas after my separation, we decided to have a family meal. It wasn’t great, but we got through it. That year, my ex met a new partner, and good luck to them. Year two, he chose not to come over on Christmas day, which is understandable.

So that second Christmas, I woke up in the morning feeling totally bereft. My two teenage boys were in the house but it was our first Christmas with no other family around. Even
though I was grateful to have my two boys there, I felt empty. So rather than go for the numbing, I decided to sit on my sofa and just be. I sat there and let the tears come. I reflected on how I’ve always felt Christmas is a lonely, uncomfortable time that started way before my divorce. I had a good old weep.
And you know what? It passed. It passed because I honoured my feelings. Hand on heart, it was my best Christmas ever because I didn’t try to be anyone or do anything I didn’t feel like doing.
Being. That’s where it’s at. Be you. Be.